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Background is a fast paced, 2D multiplayer shooter inspired by games like Soldat, Unreal Tournament and N-game. It was released in Q4 of 2018. Currently implemented game modes include Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, Dodgeball, Training, and 1v1. Anyone can hop right in and play, signed in or not, as no account is needed. It can be played at The game was created using PixiJS (a HTML5 creation engine) by Rens Rongen, better known by his alias Buizerd. He is in collaboration with Poki (a game hosting site and ad server) for advertisements.

Where can I find things? / What can I do here?

In the event that you can't really remember what you were looking for, we have provided for you a category page for the core elements of the game (maps, weapons, etc.), which you can use to get redirected to more specific pages. Everything should link to that page one way or another and if it doesn't please help make it that way. BUT before you do that, make sure you read the rules from earlier, and are acting in a proper manner. We welcome any new editors who have new information to provide.